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Image by Duncan Kidd

“It’s not where you take things from – it’s where you take them to.” - Jean-Luc Godard 

Remix is the process of altering or manipulating existing works in order to create something new or provide those works with a transformed meaning to enrich them. After investigating it throughout the semester and witnessing its influence in nearly everything, I have realized that remix is vital as it encourages and gives way to the flow of creativity by allowing for the creation of new possibilities to continue, even after it seems that almost everything possible has already been invented. This makes remix not only worthy of studying but also extremely relevant in the ever-changing digital age of production that we live in.


The work of all of the projects I have completed this term has led me to my final argument that I aim to highlight in this final synthesis project: Essentially everything that exists today and that will exist can be considered a remix of some other preexisting creation, as all creations are connected and everything is inspired by and re-shaped like something already in existence. Remix manifests itself in infinite different forms and exists in countless mediums. Therefore, without much recognition, remix has acted as an ultimate contributor to our culture for quite some time. Despite the criticism it has long endured, often within debates over originality and authorship, remix exists at the root of creativity. 

Image by Tim Mossholder

“All ideas are secondhand, consciously and unconsciously drawn from a million outside sources. We are constantly littering our literature with disconnected sentences borrowed from books at some unremembered time and now imagined to be our own.”

- Mark Twain 

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