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Colorful Lights
My journey of understanding the term remix began with preliminary research that I presented in my Annotated Bibliography.  I began my investigation by scanning the literature for any and all works on remix, casting a very wide net. Through my search, I obtained a broad, yet abundant understanding of the discussion happening around remix. Some discussions revolved around the debate over the originality of remixes and others around copyright laws. I quickly realized the breadth of the subject, as well as its prevalence; remix is extremely current and relevant in an ever-changing digital age of production. Many people argue that we are running out of new ideas, though remix has allowed for the flow of creativity to continue in our society. While people may argue that the ideologies of remix are unoriginality and laziness, I have been convinced from my research that they are in fact the exact opposite. Additionally, my search reaffirmed the prevalence and importance of remix in the current understanding of textuality. This was further proven to me by the relationships of other terms in our class to remix.

After reading so much about remix, I started to notice that remix exists in some way throughout most of the key terms that we have discussed in class. I started seeing it in connection to many of the other terms: to genre and delivery, to modality, to technology, and to arrangement. Most memorably, our reading, lecture, and discussion on intertextuality reinforced much that I had learned about remix. According to our reading, “[i]ntertextuality is the network of relations among texts [and] the ways relationships among texts influence the production and the interpretation of texts.” It is my belief that intertextuality is quite similar to remix, as both terms maintain that all texts are influenced by preexisting texts. The video titled “Stranger Things And Intertextuality,” highlighted instances from the show Stranger Things demonstrating at the minimum inspiration at the most copying from past 70s and 80s popular culture media as examples of intertextuality in action. This video led me to grasp the importance of the transformative nature of remix. While intertextuality argues that all texts are conceptually networked to other preexisting texts, remix is about continuing that ongoing conversation with something new that creates a new meaning to the original text.
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